Marine Work:
Just Another Challenging Environment

Marine work - Lattey success stories
Lattey Group have been building and maintaining marine structures for over 40 years. The proof of our excellent workmanship is that, despite the challenging local conditions, they are all still standing!
A Varied Range of Projects
The civil division of Lattey have undertaken and successfully completed many significant projects in Hawkes Bay and the Wellington region where specialist skills and capabilities were needed, such as:
Large mounted pile driving
Screw anchors
Underwater concrete remedial work
All Taken to a Successful Outcome
Some interesting and challenging projects that we have been involved with over the years include:
Port of Napier Akmon placement on the main breakwater using a patented load disconnection system
Construction and installation of over 1000 5 ton blocks at the log yard drain at the Port of Napier
Manufacturing hold down blocks and launching the 2km waste water pipeline for Pan Pac Forest Products
Structural repairs to the underside of the Napier Iron Pot Discharge Wharf
Construction of piled berths for pleasure vessels in the Napier Inner Harbour
Construction of the Tug Boat births at the Port of Napier
Installation of fender piles for the Interislander berths in Wellington