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What we expect of others.
What we expect of ourselves.


Positive change is driven by good people. We expect our management and staff to:

Act with integrity


Our word is important. We aim to keep our word to our clients and to each other. We expect everyone to speak openly and honestly, to treat others with respect and to act with integrity.

Leave no place for dumb luck


We want to be smart about safety. we expect our team to keep an eye out for each other and follow safety procedure at all times. At the end of each day, we expect our people to return home unharmed.


Not keep people waiting


This applies to both management and staff. We expect people to be on time for meetings and project or task deadlines. Our clients rightly expect us to deliver on time, and we should expect the same of each other.

Keep it tidy


Tidiness is not just about how things look. It’s a sign that we care about what we do and are paying attention to detail. We try to keep a clean, orderly office, workbench and vehicle at all times.


Serve our community


We work to honour the values set by our company’s founder, Hugh Lattey. We aim to provide stability and security for our management and staff, their families, our clients, contractors and business partners, and the wider community we all belong to.



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